Few Suggestions for Improving Standard of Primary Education Despite Low Budget Allocations..!*

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on August 28, 2023 in Uncategorized

Improving the standard of primary education in Pakistan with limited resources and a large population is a challenging task, but there are some strategies that could help:

1. **Prioritize Teacher Training:** Focus on providing quality training for teachers, even with limited budgets. Well-trained teachers can have a significant impact on student learning outcomes.

2. **Utilize Technology:** Leverage low-cost technological solutions such as educational apps, online resources, and digital content to supplement traditional teaching methods and reach more students.

3. **Community Involvement:** Engage parents and communities to create a conducive learning environment. Volunteers can assist in classrooms, and community members can help maintain school facilities.

4. **Curriculum Simplification:** Streamline the curriculum to focus on core competencies and skills. This can reduce the need for extensive resources and make learning more effective.

5. **Collaboration:** Partner with NGOs, international organizations, and private sector to pool resources and expertise for improving education quality.

6. **Optimize Infrastructure:** While resources are limited, ensure that existing infrastructure is utilized efficiently. Repair and maintain school buildings to create a positive learning environment.

7. **Student-Centered Approach:** Tailor teaching methods to accommodate diverse learning styles, ensuring that every child has an opportunity to excel.

8. **Regular Assessment:** Implement regular assessments to monitor student progress and identify areas needing improvement. This allows for targeted interventions.

9. **Flexible Scheduling:** Explore alternative scheduling options, like afternoon or weekend classes, to accommodate students who might be working or contributing to family income.

10. **Advocacy and Awareness:** Raise awareness about the importance of education to encourage parents and communities to prioritize sending children to school.

11. **Public-Private Partnerships:** Collaborate with private organizations to share resources, knowledge, and infrastructure.

12. **Incentives for Teachers:** Introduce performance-based incentives to motivate teachers and improve their job satisfaction.

13. **Peer Learning:** Encourage peer learning and group activities, which can help students support each other’s learning process.

14. **Resource Sharing:** Establish networks where schools can share educational materials, lesson plans, and best practices.

15. **Innovation in Learning:** Promote innovative teaching methods that require minimal resources, such as experiential learning, storytelling, and hands-on activities.

Remember, while a low budget poses challenges, creative and strategic planning can still lead to meaningful improvements in primary education.

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad


Few Options for the Revival of Pakistan Steel Mills!

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on August 25, 2023 in Uncategorized

Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) is a state-owned steel mill located in Karachi, Pakistan. It was established in 1953 and was once one of the largest steel mills in South Asia. However, the mill has been struggling financially for many years and has been incurring losses.

There are a number of reasons for PSM’s financial problems. These include:

  • Old and outdated equipment: The mill’s equipment is outdated and inefficient, which results in high production costs.
  • High energy costs: PSM’s energy costs are high due to the high cost of electricity in Pakistan.
  • Low productivity: PSM’s productivity is low due to a number of factors, including outdated equipment, poor management, and labor unrest.
  • Political interference: PSM has been subject to political interference, which has made it difficult to implement reforms.

In order to revive PSM, the government of Pakistan needs to take a number of steps. These include:

  • Investing in new and modern equipment: The government needs to invest in new and modern equipment to improve PSM’s productivity and efficiency.
  • Reducing energy costs: The government needs to take steps to reduce PSM’s energy costs, such as providing the mill with subsidized electricity.
  • Improving productivity: The government needs to improve PSM’s productivity by addressing the factors that are currently holding it back, such as outdated equipment and poor management.
  • Removing political interference: The government needs to remove political interference from PSM and allow the mill to operate on a commercial basis.

In addition to these measures, the government could also consider privatizing PSM. Privatization would allow the mill to access private capital and expertise, which could help it to become more efficient and profitable.

Here is a more detailed plan for the government of Pakistan:

  1. Establish a task force: The government should establish a task force to oversee the revival of PSM within a defined time period. The task force should be composed of experts from the public and private sectors.
  2. Prepare a feasibility study: The task force should prepare a feasibility study to assess the viability of reviving PSM. The study should consider the cost of the investment, the potential benefits, and the risks involved.
  3. Develop a business plan: Based on the feasibility study, the task force should develop a business plan for PSM. The business plan should outline the steps that need to be taken to revive the mill, such as investing in new equipment, reducing energy costs, and improving productivity.
  4. Implement the business plan: The government should implement the business plan for PSM. This will require the allocation of financial resources and the provision of political support.
  5. Monitor the progress: The government should monitor the progress of the revival of PSM. This will help to ensure that the mill is on track to achieve its goals.

The revival of PSM would be a major economic boost for Pakistan. It would create jobs, generate revenue, and reduce the country’s reliance on imports. However, it is a complex and challenging undertaking that will require the commitment of the government and the private sector.

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad


PIA and Politics Can’t Go Together!

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on August 21, 2023 in Uncategorized

Main reasons for the financial collapse of PIA and the steps that can be taken to revive it..!

The Financial Collapse of PIA

Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) was once the pride of the nation. Founded in 1955, it was the flag carrier of Pakistan and one of the largest airlines in South Asia. However, in recent years, PIA has been struggling financially. In 2022, the airline reported a loss of Rs. 42 billion.

There are a number of reasons for PIA’s financial collapse. One of the main reasons is the 1992 open sky policy of the government. This policy allowed foreign airlines to operate freely in Pakistan, without any restrictions. This led to increased competition for PIA, which had to cut costs in order to survive. This, in turn, led to a decline in the quality of service and a loss of passengers.

Another reason for PIA’s financial problems is corruption. There have been numerous allegations of corruption at PIA, including misuse of funds, nepotism, and fraud. This has further eroded public confidence in the airline.

Finally, PIA has also been affected by the political instability in Pakistan. The airline has been caught up in the crossfire between different political factions, which has made it difficult to make long-term plans.

Reviving PIA

There are a number of steps that can be taken to revive PIA. One of the most important steps is to review the open sky policy. The government should consider imposing some restrictions on foreign airlines, in order to protect PIA from unfair competition.

PIA also needs to improve its service quality. This includes investing in new aircraft, improving the training of its staff, and providing better customer service.

PIA also needs to address the issue of corruption. The government should take steps to root out corruption at the airline, and to ensure that public funds are used properly.

Finally, PIA needs to be given a stable political environment in which to operate. The government should create a conducive environment for the airline to grow and prosper.

Can the Government Reverse the Open Sky Policy?

The government of Pakistan can reverse the open sky policy, but it would be a difficult task. The policy has been in place for over 30 years, and it has been supported by both the government and the private sector. Reversing the policy would require the government to renegotiate agreements with foreign airlines, and it would likely face opposition from the private sector.

However, if the government is serious about reviving PIA, then it may need to consider reversing the open sky policy. This would give PIA a chance to compete on a more level playing field, and it could help the airline to turn around its financial fortunes.

In conclusion, the financial collapse of PIA is a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, by taking the steps outlined above, the government of Pakistan can help to revive the airline and make it a viable competitor in the global aviation industry.

Here are some additional things to consider:

The government could also provide financial assistance to PIA. This could take the form of loans, grants, or equity investment.

The government could also help PIA to attract new investors. This could be done by providing guarantees or by offering other incentives.

The government could also work with PIA to develop a new business plan. This plan should focus on improving service quality, reducing costs, and expanding into new markets.

The future of PIA depends on the willingness of the government to take action. If the government is willing to provide the necessary support, then PIA has a good chance of recovering from its financial problems.

However, if the government does not act, then PIA is likely to continue to decline.

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad


Rapidly Modernising Pakistan in a Decade!

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on August 20, 2023 in Uncategorized

Rapidly Modernising Pakistan in a Decade

Pakistan’s journey towards becoming a developed nation within a decade is an intricate endeavor that requires a comprehensive strategy. The strategic advantages provided by the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the potential of transforming Karachi into a thriving economic hub akin to Hong Kong can significantly expedite this transformation. This article outlines a holistic approach to harnessing these advantages and achieving the goal of development in Pakistan.

  1. Economic Reforms:
    A. Industrial Diversification: The CPEC project facilitates the development of Gwadar Port, positioning Pakistan as a pivotal trade route between China and the Middle East. The associated Special Economic Zones (SEZs) provide opportunities for industrial diversification and foreign investment.
    B. Gwadar’s Strategic Location: Gwadar’s strategic location at the crossroads of global trade routes enhances its potential to become a regional economic hub, attracting investment, trade, and job opportunities.
    C. Karachi’s Transformation: Transforming Karachi into a financial and economic hub akin to Hong Kong can amplify economic growth, attracting international business, investment, and innovation.
  2. Education and Skill Development:
    A. CPEC’s Skill Enhancement: Collaboration with Chinese partners under CPEC can provide opportunities for skill development in technology, manufacturing, and infrastructure sectors.
    B. Knowledge Transfer: Establish partnerships with international educational institutions to facilitate knowledge transfer, research collaboration, and curriculum development.
    C. Financial Education: Develop financial literacy programs to empower individuals with the knowledge needed to participate in a rapidly evolving economic landscape.
  3. Governance and Institutional Strengthening:
    A. Transparent SEZ Policies: Implement transparent policies for SEZs to attract foreign investors, provide incentives, and ensure a conducive business environment.
    B. Karachi’s Governance: Enhance governance in Karachi by creating a business-friendly regulatory framework, efficient administrative processes, and strong urban planning.
    C. Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborate with the private sector to develop and manage infrastructure projects, ensuring effective implementation and long-term sustainability.
  4. Healthcare and Social Development:
    A. Health Infrastructure: Utilize CPEC investments to improve healthcare infrastructure in Gwadar and other regions, ensuring access to quality medical services.
    B. Urban Development: Transform Karachi’s slums into modern, sustainable communities with access to healthcare, education, and basic amenities.
    C. Social Inclusion: Implement policies that prioritize social inclusion, women’s empowerment, and vulnerable populations’ upliftment.
  5. Energy Sustainability:
    A. Renewable Energy in SEZs: Integrate renewable energy solutions into SEZs, reducing their carbon footprint and promoting environmental sustainability.
    B. Karachi’s Energy Modernization: Upgrade Karachi’s energy infrastructure to support its economic growth, ensuring a reliable and sustainable power supply.
    C. Green Initiatives: Promote energy-efficient practices and sustainable urban planning in both Gwadar and Karachi to minimize environmental impact.
  6. International Collaboration:
    A. CPEC as a Diplomatic Bridge: Utilize CPEC as a platform to foster diplomatic ties with China and other participating nations, encouraging cross-border collaboration and investment.
    B. Hong Kong-Inspired Business Environment: Develop a business ecosystem in Karachi that mirrors Hong Kong’s efficiency, innovation, and global connectivity.
    C. Knowledge Exchange: Facilitate technology and knowledge exchange between Chinese and Pakistani enterprises, fostering innovation and industrial growth.

Pakistan’s journey towards becoming a developed nation within a decade gains momentum through the strategic advantages offered by the CPEC and the transformation of Karachi. By leveraging the economic potential of Gwadar’s port development and SEZs, as well as modeling Karachi as a modern economic hub, Pakistan can expedite its progress towards development. The synergy between these strategies, when pursued collaboratively by the government, private sector, and citizens, will undoubtedly pave the way for Pakistan’s emergence as a dynamic and prosperous nation on the global stage.

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad


Relaunching NCC Scheme for the Modern Digital Era

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on August 19, 2023 in Uncategorized

In the digital age, the NCC scheme in Pakistan can offer unique benefits that align with the evolving needs of youth. These include:

  1. Digital Literacy: Incorporating digital skills training within the NCC curriculum can equip cadets with essential technological proficiency, enhancing their employability and readiness for the modern workforce.
  2. Cybersecurity Awareness: Given the increasing reliance on technology, educating cadets about cybersecurity risks and best practices can empower them to navigate the digital landscape safely and responsibly.
  3. Remote Learning and Collaboration: The NCC can utilize online platforms for remote training sessions, enabling cadets to access educational content, interact with mentors, and collaborate with fellow cadets regardless of geographical constraints.
  4. Global Exposure: Through virtual exchanges and international collaborations, cadets can gain a broader perspective of global issues, cultures, and innovations, contributing to their personal growth and global awareness.
  5. Social Responsibility: NCC cadets can leverage digital tools to initiate and participate in online campaigns for social causes, raising awareness and funds for various issues affecting their communities.
  6. Data Literacy: Training in data analysis and interpretation can enable cadets to make informed decisions, enhancing their critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.
  7. Online Citizenship: Educating cadets about responsible online behavior, digital ethics, and the impact of their actions in the digital realm can promote a positive online environment.
  8. Virtual Leadership Development: Virtual platforms can be used to conduct leadership workshops, simulations, and role-playing exercises, allowing cadets to refine their leadership skills in diverse scenarios.
  9. E-Learning Resources: Access to online resources can support continuous learning, enabling cadets to explore diverse subjects and expand their knowledge beyond traditional training modules.
  10. Communication Skills: NCC cadets can develop effective communication skills through online presentations, discussions, and debates, enhancing their ability to express ideas clearly in a digital context.

By embracing these benefits, the relaunched NCC scheme in Pakistan can provide young cadets with the tools and skills needed to excel in the digital era while upholding the core values of discipline, leadership, and national service.

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad


Proposal for National Unity and Integration in Pakistan..!

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on August 19, 2023 in Uncategorized

National unity and integration are pivotal for the development and stability of a country. Pakistan’s diverse population necessitates a concerted effort to foster unity among its various ethnic, religious, and cultural groups. This proposal presents a comprehensive plan to promote national unity and integration, encompassing social, educational, governmental, and administrative initiatives.

**1. Social Initiatives:**

**a. National Identity Campaign:**
Launch a nationwide campaign emphasizing shared history, culture, and values that bind the Pakistani people together. This could include television programs, documentaries, and social media campaigns highlighting the achievements and contributions of various regions and ethnicities.

**b. Interfaith Dialogues:**
Organize regular interfaith dialogues to promote religious harmony and tolerance. Engaging religious leaders and scholars in discussions about common values and principles will help bridge gaps and reduce prejudices.

**c. Cultural Exchanges:**
Promote cultural exchanges between different provinces and communities. Arrange festivals, exhibitions, and events where various ethnicities can showcase their traditions, fostering understanding and appreciation among diverse groups.

**2. Educational Initiatives:**

**a. National Curriculum Revision:**
Revise the national curriculum to include content that reflects the diversity of Pakistan’s history, culture, and ethnicities. This will help students develop a sense of pride in their collective heritage.

**b. Inclusive Education:**
Promote inclusive education that integrates students from different backgrounds. This can be achieved by encouraging schools to have students from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, fostering friendships and understanding from an early age.

**c. Cultural Awareness Programs:**
Introduce cultural awareness programs in schools to educate students about different cultures and traditions within Pakistan. This will encourage empathy and mutual respect among the younger generation.

**3. Governmental Initiatives:**

**a. Merit-Based Recruitment:**
Replace recruitments based on the quota system with a merit-based approach. The initial approval of the quota system for a limited period in the 1970s highlights the need to transition towards a more equitable and skill-driven recruitment process that reflects current realities.

**b. Administrative Decentralization:**
Convert every Civil Division of Pakistan into Administrative Units and delegate substantial powers of governance to local bodies. This will empower communities to make decisions that directly affect their lives, promoting a sense of ownership and unity.

**c. Minority Representation:**
Ensure adequate representation of all ethnic and religious minorities in governmental bodies, promoting inclusivity and making minority communities feel valued and heard.

**d. National Integration Policy:**
Develop and implement a comprehensive national integration policy that addresses issues related to linguistic, ethnic, and religious diversity. The policy should emphasize equal rights, opportunities, and protection for all citizens.

**e. Sports**

Sports have a remarkable ability to unify both the youth and the nation. To foster this sense of unity, it is imperative to organize sports tournaments and events at various levels, spanning from schools to universities. Embracing these wholesome activities not only promotes physical health but also plays a pivotal role in deterring the youth from falling into the clutches of narcotics addiction.

**4. Media Initiatives:**

**a. Diverse Media Representation:**
Encourage media outlets to include diverse voices and perspectives, both in terms of ethnicities and regions. This will counteract stereotypes and promote understanding.

**b. Public Service Announcements:**
Collaborate with media organizations to produce public service announcements that promote national unity, tolerance, and harmony. Regularly broadcasting such messages will reinforce positive values.

National unity and integration are vital for Pakistan’s progress and stability. Through a holistic approach encompassing social, educational, governmental, administrative, and media initiatives, the proposed plan aims to foster understanding, empathy, and appreciation among Pakistan’s diverse population. By implementing these suggestions, Pakistan can work towards building a stronger, more united nation that thrives on its collective strengths.

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad


Pakistan – How to Leapfrog in Science & Technology..!

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on August 18, 2023 in Uncategorized

Pakistan’s reasons of backwardness in science & technology & how to leap forward, !

Pakistan faces several challenges in advancing its science and technology sector, including:

  1. Investment: Limited funding and investment in research and development hinders progress.
  2. Education: Insufficient quality education and lack of skilled workforce in STEM fields.
  3. Infrastructure: Inadequate research facilities, equipment, and technology infrastructure.
  4. Policy: Inconsistent science and technology policies and lack of effective implementation.
  5. Brain Drain: The emigration of skilled professionals reduces the local talent pool.

To leap forward:

  1. Investment: Increase funding for research and development, both from government and private sectors.
  2. Education: Enhance STEM education from primary to higher levels, and provide scholarships for students in these fields.
  3. Collaboration: Foster partnerships between academia, industry, and research institutions for knowledge sharing and innovation.
  4. Infrastructure: Develop modern research facilities and provide access to advanced technologies.
  5. Policy Reforms: Implement consistent and supportive policies that encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.
  6. Talent Retention: Create incentives for skilled professionals to stay in Pakistan, such as competitive salaries and research opportunities.
  7. International Collaboration: Engage in international collaborations to leverage expertise and resources from other countries.

Addressing these areas can help Pakistan make significant strides in science and technology.

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad


Catalyzing Sustainable Energy Transformation: Navigating Pakistan’s Independent Power Producers Challenge

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on August 17, 2023 in Uncategorized

Catalyzing Sustainable Energy Transformation: Navigating Pakistan’s Independent Power Producers Challenge

The Independent Power Producers (IPPs) situation in Pakistan has indeed been a significant challenge for the power sector and the economy. Addressing this issue requires a multifaceted approach involving policy, regulation, financial management, and investment. Here’s a detailed write-up on how Pakistan could potentially navigate this challenge:

1. The government of Pakistan must immediately order a forensic audit from different international companies under the supervision of the Pakistani military, considering it as an extremely sensitive national security matter involving very high stakes.

2. Transparent Review of Contracts:
Conduct a comprehensive and transparent review of existing IPP contracts to identify any anomalies, inefficiencies, or clauses that may be contributing to the financial burden on the economy.

3. Negotiation and Renegotiation:
Engage in constructive negotiations with IPPs to revise contracts, where necessary, to ensure fair pricing, improved efficiency, and a balanced risk-sharing mechanism.

4. Regulatory Reforms:
Strengthen regulatory bodies like NEPRA to ensure rigorous oversight and enforcement of contracts, tariffs, and quality standards. This will promote accountability and prevent abuse.

5. Diversify Energy Mix:
Invest in a diversified energy mix that includes renewable sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. This will reduce dependency on expensive fuel imports and provide a stable long-term solution.

6. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs):
Promote PPPs for future energy projects to attract private investment while maintaining clear, well-structured contracts that prioritize the public interest.

7. Energy Efficiency and Demand Management:
Implement energy-efficient practices, such as smart grid systems and demand-side management, to optimize energy consumption and reduce waste.

8. Financial Restructuring:
Work with financial institutions and international organizations to restructure debt, manage payment schedules, and address the financial burden on the power sector.

9. Strengthening Grid Infrastructure:
Invest in upgrading and expanding the grid infrastructure to minimize transmission losses and ensure reliable power distribution.

10. Capacity Building:
Focus on building local expertise in power generation, transmission, and distribution to reduce reliance on external consultants and enhance sector management.

11. Public Awareness and Engagement:
Engage the public in understanding the complexities of the power sector, the challenges it faces, and the steps being taken to address them. This will build support for necessary reforms.

12. Long-Term Energy Planning:
Develop a comprehensive long-term energy plan that outlines clear objectives, targets, and strategies for sustainable energy development, considering economic, environmental, and social factors.

13. Encouraging Private Investment:
Create an attractive investment environment by offering incentives such as tax breaks, subsidies, and streamlined regulatory procedures to attract private sector investment in energy projects.

14. International Collaboration:
Seek technical and financial assistance from international organizations and countries with expertise in energy sector reform to benefit from their experiences and best practices.

15. Political Will and Commitment:
Ensure sustained political will and commitment to implement necessary reforms, even if they are politically challenging, to create a stable and conducive environment for the power sector’s transformation.

Addressing the IPPs challenge in Pakistan is a complex task that requires a balanced approach, cooperation among stakeholders, and a long-term perspective. By adopting these strategies and tailoring them to the specific context, Pakistan can work towards resolving the issues plaguing its power sector and contribute to a more robust and sustainable economy.

Last but not the least those who contributed to such a damaging one sided contract which virtually killed the national economy must also be tried under the military courts for committing treason with the motherland for which almost on daily basis young warm blood is shed to safeguard is solidarity.

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad


Few Suggestions for the Upliftment of 99% Economically Suppressed Pakistani Population..!

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on August 16, 2023 in Uncategorized

In Pakistan, we can easily control our government expenses if we adopt the following statement as our motto and implement it as an official policy. It should be displayed in the offices of the civil and military bureaucracy, just below the portrait of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Sahab:

“Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him.”

This statement is a powerful reminder of the importance of social justice and compassion. It calls on us to consider the impact of our actions on the most vulnerable members of society. If we all lived by this principle, Pakistan would be a much more just and equitable country.

Here are some specific ways in which this statement could be implemented as an official policy:

  • All government spending should be evaluated against the criterion of whether it will benefit the poorest and weakest members of society.
    Tax breaks and other incentives should be given to businesses that invest in social programs and create jobs for the poor.
    The education system should be reformed to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, have access to a quality education and ALL educational institutions must 20% needy students free of cost which should include entire admission charges and monthly fees etc, uniform and books/copies expenses etc. Here we know very well the income of elite schools which are paying to their directors around Rs. 10 million PM, as if every student is a gold mine for the owners of such schools.
    The healthcare system should be made more affordable and accessible to everyone.

By adopting this statement as our motto and implementing it as an official policy, we can make Pakistan a more just and equitable society for all.

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad


Addressing power sector circular debt in Pakistan requires a multi-pronged approach: (Points # 3 & 15 are a must read)

Posted by Syed Nayyar Uddin on August 15, 2023 in Uncategorized

  1. Energy Efficiency: Invest in modernizing power generation, transmission, and distribution systems to reduce losses and inefficiencies.
  2. Tariff Rationalization: Implement transparent and consistent electricity tariffs that reflect the true cost of production and discourage overconsumption.
  3. Reducing Theft: Strengthen enforcement against power theft through better monitoring, stricter penalties, and community engagement. The government should enact a law to use military for catching theft in industry, business (large and small) and agriculture sector and trial and punishment of such theft cases in the military courts.
  4. Distribution Company Reforms: Restructure and privatize distribution companies to improve management, reduce losses, and encourage private sector investment.
  5. Renewable Energy Expansion: Increase the share of renewable energy sources, like solar and wind, to reduce reliance on expensive fossil fuels and diversify the energy mix.
  6. Metering Upgrades: Deploy smart meters to accurately measure consumption, detect tampering, and enable demand-side management.
  7. Subsidy Targeting: Direct subsidies to vulnerable populations instead of across-the-board subsidies, ensuring those who truly need assistance receive it.
  8. Debt Resolution Mechanism: Establish a transparent mechanism to gradually settle outstanding debts between power producers, distributors, and government entities.
  9. Payment Discipline: Improve payment collection mechanisms and ensure timely payments from government entities and consumers.
  10. Consumer Awareness: Launch campaigns to educate consumers about energy conservation and the impact of power theft on circular debt.
  11. Capacity Building: Train and empower regulatory bodies to effectively oversee and regulate the power sector.
  12. Cross-Border Trade: Explore opportunities for cross-border energy trade to enhance revenue generation and reduce reliance on domestic resources.
  13. Technology Adoption: Embrace digital solutions and advanced technologies to streamline operations, reduce losses, and improve overall efficiency.
  14. Government Subsidy Reduction: Gradually reduce government subsidies while protecting vulnerable populations through targeted social safety net programs.
  15. Transparent Auditing: Conduct regular and independent audits of power sector finances to identify and rectify inefficiencies and financial mismanagement. Here again the government should enact a law for forensic audit of IPP’s (under military supervision) and if found irregularities which has caused and still causing financial losses to the public exchequer then the owners as per the newly enacted law must be tried under military courts and if found guilty the culprits be sentenced to minimum life imprisonment plus 100 lashes with confiscation of entire properties in Pakistan and abroad and maximum penalty of death sentence.

Implementing these measures requires strong political will, effective governance, and sustained collaboration between the government, private sector, and civil society. It’s a complex challenge, but these steps can contribute to minimizing power sector circular debt in Pakistan.

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad


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