Modi government moving fast India & Pakistan towards an armegaddon..!

After the recent arrest by the Pakistani authorities of an Indian national RAW agent (who is actually a Hindu and Indian NAVY intelligence officer infiltrated in Pakistan as a disguised Muslim), the following two things are clear as daylight:

i. India is hell bent on dismemberment of Pakistan; and all its so called peace overtures, are just a ploy to gain time, for its nefarious designs to (God forbid) succeed.

ii. All so called attacks on the Indian soil by the miscreants entering from Pakistan, were Indian RAW engineered and orchestrated false flags, to keep Pakistan isolated internationally; and it will not be a surprise, if, the recently caught RAW Indian NAVY officer operating in Pakistan, will soon be coughing out the details, about the Mumbai attack, in which the Indian sponsored attackers entered India, from the sea side.

It is high time that Pakistan informs the entire world, specially, the five permanent security council members of the UNO; that the Indian government is playing with fire and has in fact, embarked upon an undeclared full fledged war against Pakistan. As such, Pakistan reserves the right to use all resources and assets available at its disposal, to counter this Indian offensive against Pakistan; and as a consequence, if, the world faces the armegaddon, it will be the outcome of the extremely severe Indian provocations, using Indian funded and sponsored insurgents, to attack our sensitive installations, schools, universities and parks killing hundreds of men, women, students and kids.

Pakistan must convey to its enemies the red lines for an all out counter attack without warning..!

The whole world knows from where these terrorists are launched and sponsored, who have killed more than 50,000 Pakistanis in the aftermath of the American invasion of Afghanistan.

However, after the brutal killings of about 45 unarmed and peaceful kids, women and men in a bus in Karachi on 13 May, 2015 one thing is absolutely clear that our known enemies will not refrain till either we surrender before them or we decide to fight fire with fire. In this regards, after the attack on Karachi airport I wrote on 9 June, 2014 quoted as below:

Quote.”This means clearly the use of nuclear and all weapons at our disposal, because we can’t sit idle and witness our own demise, without any punishment to the mischief mongers.”Unquote.

The video of AJIT DOVAL current Indian National Security advisor and former RAW man, specifically tells India’s defensive offensive strategy of spreading terrorism in Pakistan.


In fact, Daily Mail of London also reported that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told the Indian PM on his face, all he knew about RAW’s hands in the killings of about 150 kids in a School of Peshawar.


So, there should be no doubt about who is responsible for the killings of INNOCENT kids, men and women in Pakistan.

All these killings have a proven foot print and pattern of RAW’s style of terrorism.
In this regard, I have already written to Mr. Modi.


to not to provoke and push a nuclear Pakistan for any retaliatory action, which may turn the entire region to ashes, quoted as below:

Quote.”Also please inform all those military and political planners in your country, not in favour of genuine peace with Pakistan that low intensity war named as offensive defensive operations, or other covert hostile methods, are no more a long or short term options for, as well as, against; a nuclear power, which possesses more military nuclear arsenal (as reported today by Times of India) than India.

All such paradigms are out dated being a ZERO sum game, in the ultimate nuclear scenario. Such policy planners have no business to stay in the past non-nuclear status frame of mind; and they must develop a NEW and FRESH vision, to guide a major nuclear nation, like India.

Policy makers of nuclear powers must not have a mindset of a non nuclear state. And the foremost responsibility of these policy makers must be to ensure, at all costs, that under ALL circumstances, nuclear flare up or provocations under offensive defensive doctrine, MUST be ruled out: irrespective of the defined policy of no first use of nuclear weapons or retaliatory use of WMD’s.”Unquote.

According to a latest research study in Washington, if these two countries fought a nuclear war the whole region will cease to exist, quoted as below:

Quote. “Dr Khalid also noted that both India and Pakistan had more than 100 nuclear warheads, enough to destroy the entire region.
The two groups recently conducted a study, which showed that if a nuclear war broke out in this region, “both countries would cease to exist”.
The fallout would cause a famine that would go beyond the region and affect more than three billion people around the globe, the study claimed.” Unquote.


In view of the foregoing, it is high time that Pakistan convenes an urgent Security Council meeting of the UNO, to clearly inform the whole world: that from now onwards, Pakistan will not exercise any restraint (as it has got all the undeniable proofs of the Indian aggression) to safe guard its security, even if it leads to an Armageddon.


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